Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Breakfast of Champions

So when it comes to breakfast on race day what do you choose to eat? 

A banana
A granola bar
Peanut butter on a bagel
Nuun tabs in your water
Deli sandwich

I have heard of a lot of runners mixing it up with some of these foods/drinks. I have recently been diagnosed with Chrohns and that has become a big obstacle for me since my diet has had to change. I used to eat a cinnamon raisin bagel dry & Gatorade or a honey/nut granola bar for my morning ritual, but not anymore. 
Now I am searching for my perfect breakfast to keep me sane and tummy-issue free. I recently tried the peanut butter on a 1/2 of bagel with some water and I did ok.
What do you go to for your breakfast? Post your comments below - 

1 comment:

  1. Mine has evolved over time. I used to have a bagel with peanut butter and a banana, but it was too much for me to handle at one time before I ran.

    Now, I usually have a toasted wheat english muffin with almond butter and a little fig jam and a tall glass of water. If I'm a bit more hungry, I would add a banana as well.

    People have sworn that oatmeal is the best pre-run fuel, but I feel like it sits a bit heavy in my stomach for my liking. But I do love oatmeal with banana and nut butter mixed in. I may try it again sometime, but for now, I'll stick with my english muffins!
